Why Food Allergy Awareness Education is Important to Teach in the Classroom

Why Food Allergy Awareness is Important to Teach in the Classroom

Food allergy awareness education is absolutely essential to teach in the classroom. It helps decrease the chances of an allergic reaction, empowers students to be advocates, and reduces incidences of bullying.

Let me tell you a little story…

I ran out to the recycling bin, I had to know. I reached down and pulled up the box of chicken fingers I had just fed my son. “Oh no….no no no!” But the box looked identical and was in the gluten free section at the store!

He struggled to breathe, wheezing, crying. His body broke out in a rash and he felt sick to his stomach. We plunged the epinephrine into his thigh, now the second time in his short 5 years of life. And it was my fault. I fed him the wrong food.

And if I, the most diligent person in his life, can make a simple mistake like this… then anyone can.

Food allergy anaphylactic reaction.
My son in the hospital after his anaphylactic reaction.

Why do I tell you this?

Because food allergies are deadly serious.

They are life threatening.

And places that are supposed to be safe, can be utterly dangerous for a food allergic child. But here’s the thing… people that don’t have life-threatening food allergies, don’t always understand the seriousness of allergies. I certainly didn’t before having children with food allergies, and I even grew up with a brother who was allergic to dairy!

Food allergy skin testing
Allergy skin testing

You may be saying to yourself, “well, we just keep the allergen out of the classroom!” And if so, that’s great! But that doesn’t eliminate the risk. Most likely the allergen is still in the school, and even if it’s not, there are so many foods and even classroom materials that can contain the allergen or have cross contamination with it. Not to mention, other children’s hands can carry allergens from the foods they’ve eaten, on to the surfaces they touch.

We found out the hard way that Tempura paint often contains egg, Play Doh contains wheat, and soaps can contain almost every allergen!

Did you know that according to a study done by the doctors at the Mount Sinai Center, 35% of children with food allergies have been bullied or harassed due to their food allergies? Of those incidents, 82% happened in school. What would that statistic look like if food allergy awareness was taught in the classroom?

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

Food allergy awareness education is absolutely necessary to help reduce the incidences of allergic reactions in the classroom, turn peers into advocates and helpers, and increase acceptance among peers for food allergic students.

With the right education, this can be done, and it can be done effectively!

But as a teacher you’re busy, there aren’t enough hours in the day, and maybe you don’t feel confident enough in your knowledge on food allergies to actually teach it. I get it, and I don’t blame you!

Lean in now, because I have the solution!

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

As a parent and educator, I have the unique perspective and ability to be able to teach effectively on this subject, while also keeping students engaged. I love adding humor into my teaching materials, and this is no exception!

My Food Allergy Awareness Education for the Classroom is your one-stop shop for all things food allergies!

And the best part? You can use it year after year! Recently sesame was added as part of the top 9 most common allergens, and this resource reflects the newest Food Allergy information and research, updated and ready to go.

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

Here’s what’s included:

Food Allergy Presentation Google Slides and PDF– Engaging narrated presentation featuring a silly duck, named Quackers who learns about food allergies with your students.

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

Digital activities – Students answer questions on food allergies by moving symbols over the correct answers, or writing in a text box. Everything digital is narrated with audio as an option for students, which will especially help the early elementary grades. (Answer key included)

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

Printable Activites in Color and BW – These are different than the digital activities, though some ideas may overlap. Pick and choose the activities most appropriate for your student’s level. (Answer key included)

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

Posters, Signs, Tags – reinforcing the lesson on food allergies with the Food Allergy Song, Top 9 Allergens, and a list of ways to keep friends with allergies safe. Includes “We are a _____Free Classroom” for your doors and classrooms including the following allergens: Dairy, Egg, Wheat (additional Gluten Free sign), Soy, Peanut, Tree Nut, Shellfish, Fish, Corn, Sesame, Mustard, Latex, Fragrances. Template for you to make your own custom sign (not editable, you can print and write in the allergens you need).

Tags for bookbags, lunches, field trips, whatever you need to pin them on. Includes the allergens and blank templates to write in what you need as well. There are additional tags that say “I am Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy Free, and Lactose Intolerant” for students that don’t fit the typical IgE allergy. (Read more about Food Allergy Tags HERE.)

Food Allergy Awareness Education Posters for Teachers, Schools, and students.
Food allergy tags for bookbags, lunches, and classroom materials.

Teacher Education & Resources Packet – discussing ways to keep your student safe and some considerations to make as a teacher and classroom with a student with food allergies. Includes resources for educators as well. (22 pages)

Food Allergy Awareness Education Resource for Teachers, Schools, and students.

You have the ability to alter the atmosphere in your classroom to one of acceptance and understanding, all the while empowering student’s to be able to identify a reaction, should one occur, and what to do about it.

If there is one back to school resource you need, it’s this one!

Click here NOW to get your Food Allergy Awareness Education Curriculum for your classroom that will serve you and your students well, year after year!


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Hi, I'm Tina!

I create fun and engaging educational resources that save you lots of time and energy! You can often find me in my stomping grounds in Pennsylvania alongside my husband, AJ, and our two red-headed DINOS. Learning and teaching through fun and play is my forte! 

Get your SILLY STEM FREEBIE for Elementary students here!